Monday, March 30, 2009

Moar pictyahs!

SL stuff
Because my second life and my RP within SL are slightly different? Perhaps it explains something.
I finally figured out why my avi looks so horrible... it IS the shape, not the skin. I wasn't sure. But my shape for Amrys fixed it up, except the lips were off, so I modded slightly and now have much less horror in the nose/cheek area.

SL Bloopers: Fun with editing!
Okay, there's only one. But this is the only time I've ever gotten my avi cross-eyed.

I was trying to make my own hair (hint: never finished).

Dancing at Club Rockaway with Strangeleaf Langstrumpf. ((Some of you know him as Crazyperson.))

RP Stuff
Amrys's outfit in general has been updated... Magical OOC fairies brought her a shirt I got out of a camp chair ages ago (back before the SL hiatus of whatever-month-or-three), and Beast dyed her hair red (Amrys thought it would be revenge against her mentor for dying Beast's [red] hair blue.). I also swapped the ears with some that can be moved around a good bit, which is nice for displaying emotes.

I am vengeance... I am the night... wait, whut? Is Amrys, watching the city from above.

Amrys is swimmin with the fishies in the CW den!

Grumpily perched on a crate in the den.

Perched on a rail... in the... sewer. Ew. OOC ;) Was attending the RP combat lesson.

So the other night, Midian hosted a huuuge fundraiser for Relay for Life. How did we do it?
I signed up to play an NPC police officer ;)

This is she. Her name was Lisa Powell, and she was kind of a bitch.

And our first stop on the arrest list... The den! To pick up Ellie (not in picture). Several other CWs were arrested, including...

My sponsor, MJ!
And you can see next to his cell the donation box.

Basically, a ton of people were arrested, then their bails were set. Donate to get them out of jail, then they would "owe you" IC for helping them out. So it's still Midian style ;)
Before it was even fully over, $400 (USD, not L$) had been raised. Whoo!

Bloopers and Outtakes from Midian!

Amrys: It's bigger on the inside!!
Srsly, why is the TARDIS in MIDIAN? Is someone playing a 'Doctor' character?

Whutthepear. Why was there a giant pear wielding a scythe... playing hopscotch? And really, it was--there's a poseball for the hopscotch stuff.

You really can't see what's so epic about this picture without clicking to zoom in. Sorry.

Not much of an outtake, but whatever. It's the den (most of it), the church, etc.
Midian from Amrys's point of view, basically.

I think that's all I've got. I'd spam you with slURLs to places I like, but... that's spammy, and not that helpful. Contact me in-world if you want to know where I got something, most of what I own is random accumulated freebies or being worn (or both!).

I'm hoping to make some stuff and start a shop relatively soon, so I hope peoples keep an eye out for that.

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