Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Catwalker Scavenger Hunt!

First of all, Amrys is now a Catwalker Pledge!
(It's like being a pledge to a sorority or a fraternity, including the ppppledge ppppin, except it's not lame. It's awesome.)
Anywho, from here on out, this is going to be an IC ("In Character," for the non-RP people) post.
It's basically the massive email/text message/thing that she's sending to her sponsor, MJ.
Because it costs money (okay, like a quarter. But STILL.) to upload the pictures to SL as textures.

I finished the scavenger hunt! Did you know this thing has one of those timer camera things in it? It's pretty cool, I didn't know they made phones with those.

Anyway, here are the pictures.

Take photos of the following things in the city, and turn in a notecard with the photos when done!

1. Wolf graffiti

2. Holy birds

3. Theater stage

4. A merry-go-round

5. An ambulance

6. A memorial

7. A rooftop fire

8. Record store

9. Advertisement for pop tarts

10. A piano / organ

Anyway, I hope this is satisfactory.

Oh, and don't let me forget to submit an incident report--we ran into someone on the roof earlier, and I came in as backup.

--Amrys Kotenka

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