Tuesday, March 2, 2010

General second life update

1. I'm now using the Beta Viewer. I rather like it, now that I've gotten used to it. When I first started, I seriously thought I was going to puke. I'm one of those people who has to have everything laid out the same for ever and ever... But at least I can get over it.

To borrow a layout from a commenter on the SL post about the new viewer...
The Good:
+Looks a lot neater
+The side tab does organize pretty well
+Outfits made of links, instead of copying stuff over and over. (Finally, I can trim my inventory.. er, if I ever get a round tuit.)
+The build makes a tiny bit more sense. Hey, it's the little things!

The Bad:
-Minimap won't resize anything in between Zoom Far (which is farther than I knew it could zoom) and Zoom Medium (which is too close ack!). No, I don't use a scroll wheel, why do you ask?
-Autoaccepts inventory offers? Doesn't do it all the time, not sure what the difference is. Apparently this can be turned off, but I don't know how yet.
-Takes a lot of fiddling around to get it useable. But that's just me.

The Ugly:
}I feel sort of cramped in this tiny window. The window's the same size, but the tabs and such take up so much more space, that all I can see is myself and a tiny glimpse of the world around me. Add that to my minimap problem, and I suddenly find myself feeling VERY claustrophobic.

OVERALL, to me it's the same thing with a slightly different layout. Whatever. I look forward to seeing what the crew on Emerald does with it.

That's right, I'm a DJ now! Hah!
My stream is located at http://gold.neostreams.info:8142
I do not stream all the time (no afk streaming). If you want to recieve notices when I'm about to start streaming, join Ameretat's Aces in world.

The Pound is hiring, so if you have interest in working as a dancer, host/hostess, and/or DJ, please stop by and submit an application.

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