Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This blog is moving to http://ameretatskytower.wordpress.com and will be deleted in about a week.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're moving!

I'm moving this blog to wordpress, because I find blogger infuriating to work with. Also, I don't have to keep signing out of my gmail account, which is associated pretty strictly with RL ;)

GO HERE: http://ameretatskytower.wordpress.com

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

General second life update

1. I'm now using the Beta Viewer. I rather like it, now that I've gotten used to it. When I first started, I seriously thought I was going to puke. I'm one of those people who has to have everything laid out the same for ever and ever... But at least I can get over it.

To borrow a layout from a commenter on the SL post about the new viewer...
The Good:
+Looks a lot neater
+The side tab does organize pretty well
+Outfits made of links, instead of copying stuff over and over. (Finally, I can trim my inventory.. er, if I ever get a round tuit.)
+The build makes a tiny bit more sense. Hey, it's the little things!

The Bad:
-Minimap won't resize anything in between Zoom Far (which is farther than I knew it could zoom) and Zoom Medium (which is too close ack!). No, I don't use a scroll wheel, why do you ask?
-Autoaccepts inventory offers? Doesn't do it all the time, not sure what the difference is. Apparently this can be turned off, but I don't know how yet.
-Takes a lot of fiddling around to get it useable. But that's just me.

The Ugly:
}I feel sort of cramped in this tiny window. The window's the same size, but the tabs and such take up so much more space, that all I can see is myself and a tiny glimpse of the world around me. Add that to my minimap problem, and I suddenly find myself feeling VERY claustrophobic.

OVERALL, to me it's the same thing with a slightly different layout. Whatever. I look forward to seeing what the crew on Emerald does with it.

That's right, I'm a DJ now! Hah!
My stream is located at http://gold.neostreams.info:8142
I do not stream all the time (no afk streaming). If you want to recieve notices when I'm about to start streaming, join Ameretat's Aces in world.

The Pound is hiring, so if you have interest in working as a dancer, host/hostess, and/or DJ, please stop by and submit an application.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DJ Ameretat!

Yepyep! That's me!

I'm currently playing at The Pound (no event, just taking over to test). If you want to listen and can't come over, my stream url is http://gold.neostreams.info:8142

So much happy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

(Second) Life's looking up

I'm posting mostly because I decided to log when maintenance started >.> It'll be time for class by the time it finishes.

I finally got a rental spot. It's on the same parcel as work; I can't decide if that's good or bad. It's not a bad price though; 5L/prim, which is apparently how much it costs when renting a full parcel? I don't actually know these things. My max is set to 100.

So I laid everything out, that house I've been working on the past howeverlong (it's about the fifth incarnation of "my house"). And then decided that it was fugly and too much hassle if I decide to change it, so I picked it up and laid out a prefab "low prim beachouse" (yes, THAT one). Cut a few prims from it, laid everything out inside... And discovered that the Midian Day Bear is 24 prims. So sad! I've been including it for the adorability/memorabilia factor, but if it's a choice between that and having room to have a party if I want... pffft. Sorry, bear-bear, you have to go hang yourself elsewhere.

I stayed up all night last night, which is how I was on when maintenance started... sleep's messed up and need to reboot. Again. Anyway! I discovered that teleport scripts don't work well over 300 meters, and that that parcel is set to deliver all teleports to The Pound. Argh. So now if I invite people over, I need to lurk near the pound and give them a ride? It's not a big problem, but part of why I moved was because where I was didn't allow p2p teleports.

Gonna figure that out sometime, yesyesyes.

Oh hey, I should get some breakfast and head to class. Bye!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Emerald vs. SL Viewer



There are some really cool features to Emerald. The ones I like the most are the skins (omg♥!) and the force ground sit feature.

I do not like the boob physics. As someone who has boobs, I think it looks pretty damn creepy... Because that is not how they move. (I bet you can get some settings that do look pretty realistic, but frankly I have better things to do than zoom in on virtual breasts.)

Anyway, I used to use Emerald a lot, then it kept crashing. Bah! After a long time without, I decided to try it out again. And lo, it's at least a little better now that it's update. So far so good.

So I guess I will do this in the form of a table? Looks like I'll have to handcode. Shrug.

WTF blogger fails at tables. Whatever.

LL ViewerEmerald
  • Standard, official.
  • Sit only on objects or "ground"
  • Default AO sucks.
  • ...
  • Max idle time: 10 minutes.
  • Homebrew, good luck.
  • Sit anywhere you gorram please
  • Comes with its own AO, if you choose to use it.
  • Extra goodies (that you'll rarely use)
  • Max idle time: 97 DAYS.

Ugh, I can't think of anything. I don't actually care about most of the differences, as I said above. So this isn't much of a review, just pointing out one thing that I discovered today:
max idle time.
WITHOUT using an anti-idle device, you can stand around afk for 97 days before Emerald marks you away. I like this for when I'm busy in another screen.

Or camping. But I've got a job now, so camping will be even further reduced.

Speaking of job: I made a "fan" group for myself. Yes, I'm that conceited... Well... it was suggested in the notes given as employee introduction (or whatever the word I'm looking for is). And I figure... what's the harm?

It is currently NOT listed in Search, but if you're interested, drop me an IM and I'll invite you to join. If I go farther with this "career path," so to speak, I'll make it public.

Umm not much to say.

Lots of work to do IRL, so I'm off. Bye!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I think I'm going to start updating this.

Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on existence and such.

I've sort of lost interest in Amrys's letters. She's not the type to keep a diary, and less so to write mail that won't be sent. Hmmm. Don't know what to do about this. I like showing off what's happened.

Today her gun was confiscated. Bwaha. Later this month, she's going to be kidnapped and experimented on. More on that when it has happened.

As for work... I WILL be dancing at The Pound starting this Friday.

Ugggg I have used WordPress now and I'm wishing I had for this blag. Seriously. Wordpress is the shit. Especially compared to Blogger.

ANYWAY. As currently scheduled, I'll be working The Pound 4-6 pm SLT on Friday and Sunday, and if there'll be a DJ scheduled for the timeslot, also 2-4 pm SLT on Saturday.

Hmm. Can't seem to think of anything to say . Wrestling with a door script. llListen is being grumbly.

EDIT: Squee! First night (training night) I'll be Hostess!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello, out there!

Once again, it's been a while.

I'm thinking about getting a job as a dancer or a hostess at The Pound. Neko/Vampire/Furry/anything-non-human hangout kind of place. I'm trying to decide if I can devote 4-8 hours a week to a job that pays in tips only. Then again, it means that I don't have to put money into SL anymore.

Also, I won a full-page ad in the Midian Dark Times. I actually hadn't realized when I entered that that was one of the prizes... the L$1000 was nice, though. So now I need to come up with an ad. Or find someone who wants an ad. Hm.

Meanwhile, lots of crazy stuff happens in Midian, which is where I spend most of my SL time still.

Can't actually think of anything relevant or witty to say.
